The California Legislative team of volunteer members of CBH/SAA work diligently to protect the interests of every archer and bowhunter in California. This dedicated team addresses many issues, formulating official CBH/SAA positions based on protecting archers and bowhunters.
Official attendance and participation at Fish & Game Commission meetings, submission of proposals regarding mammal, furbearer, small game, fish and fowl regulations are just an example of their active participation in California’s archery and wildlife concerns.
Addressing city, county and state regulations regarding the use of bows and other hunting equipment is also closely watched and addressed.
Another important aspect of the Team’s function is to work closely with other wildlife organizations. Some of these organizations are "species-specific" or may be a "method of hunting" group. All methods of hunting are important. The protection of the roles all methods-of-take are most crucial in the big picture. Thus, CBH/SAA networks closely to protect and offer assistance to all.
With a strong emphasis on retaining our rights and proposing new hunting and archery opportunities for all residents of California, we are a proud Team with many accomplishments, thanks to the dedicated efforts of many.
Robert Moore speaks to Bill Gaines
Former CBH/SAA Legislative Coordination Robert Moore speaks to Bill Gaines about his personal knowledge and the important and impressive history of CBH/SAA.
What has CBH/SAA done for Archery, Conservation, and Hunting?
CBH/SAA continually seeks to expand bowhunting and archery opportunities. The following lists are what CBH/SAA has completed and/or has been involved in (through 2018):
Petition FGC and secure the first archery only season for Deer (1962).
Petition FGC and secure Archery Antelope seasons and tags.
Petition FGC and secure Archery Elk seasons and tags.
Petition FGC and secure Archery Season for Quail.
Petition FGC and secure Archery Season for Pheasant.
Petition FGC and secure Archery Season for Grouse.
Petition FGC along with other conservation groups to establish youth hunting tags and extended youth hunting days.
Petition FGC and secure language clarifying the use of expandable broadheads in California.
Worked with partner organizations to maintain hunting opportunity in the Clear Creek Watershed in Redding from closure.
Making available the International Bowhunter Education Program (IBEP) to archers in California.
Retaining the bowhunting opportunity within the city limits of Duarte.
Filed suit against the City of Burbank for prohibiting hunting inside the city limits.
Petitioned FGC and secured an archery turkey hunting season.
Donating game tracking equipment to the Department of Fish and Game.
Provided Wildlife Officers information related to purchased deer antlers from out of state, tagging and CBHSAA record book entries.
Discussion with DFW and IBEP to bring the IBEP program instructors under the DFW Hunter Education Program for cohesion of the two programs and liability.
Provided information to Wildlife Officers on Yosemite deer poaching case
Worked with DFW and FGC on allowing lighted nocks.
Provided information to Wildlife Officers on State Parks deer poaching case.
Submitted application and accepted position to sit on the Big Game Management Account Advisory Committee with DFW.
Submitted application and accepted position to sit on the Upland Bird Stamp Advisory Committee with DFW.
Petition FGC to add archery pheasant season pre general season.
Member of the California Hunting Conservation Coalition (CHCC).
Petition FGC and secure bowfishing in ocean and inland waters (restrictions).
The opening of the O’Neil Forebay at San Luis Reservoir to bowfishing.
Opening of Elkhorn Slough to bowfishing.
Opening of Bullard’s Bar Lake to bowfishing.
Opening the Yolo Wildlife Area to bowfishing.
Defeated the threat of no bowfishing for shark year 2000.
Petition FGC to change wording in DFW lands management regulations to allow bowfishing on DFW lands that allow fishing.
Defeated a petition with FGC on eliminating bowfishing for Sharks and Rays 2017.
Petition FGC and secure language to allow the take of catfish by bowfishing in certain waters.
Defeated the “no bow shooting” ordinance in the City of Vallejo.
Retained the shooting of archery equipment in Contra Costa County.
Worked with DFW to bring the National Archery in the Schools Program to Calif.
Assisted Pasadena Roving Archers in securing their continued lease on City property.
Assisted Maya Archers in talks with City of Roseville to retain the archery range and include a new bike trail through leased property.
Consulted and participated with Orestimba Bowhunters on keeping their archery range on parks land.
Consulted with Yolo Bowmen for their talks with County Staff and Supervisors on keeping their range on county park property.
Set up and run an archery range yearly during the State Legislative Sportsmen Caucus Shoot with our Conservation Partners.